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Adventure and entertainment insurance covers your business while you bring the fun.

Adventure and Entertainment Insurance - Friends Wearing Helmets and Protective Great While Enjoying a Zip Line in an Adventure in Park

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No matter the activities you offer, your business has unique risks that adventure and entertainment insurance can help cover.

You try your best, but sometimes accidents happen.

Protecting your participants is important to your business, which is why you have all your safety measures in place, but sometimes accidents happen. From heights to whitewater rapids to creepy crawlies lurking in the trees, there are a number of ways your visitors could get hurt. Participant injury insurance can help your adventure and entertainment business cover costs associated with accidents and injuries that happen during your activities.

If you rent out equipment, you may need specific insurance.

Not many people own an ATV, kayak, bicycle, or paddleboard, just to name a few of the items required to experience the fun at your adventure and entertainment business. That’s why you offer to rent them out, but in doing so, you open your equipment up to the possibility of damage or loss. If you want to make sure your equipment is covered when you rent it out, you’ll want to consider renters liability insurance. Here are some examples of businesses that may benefit from an adventure and entertainment insurance policy:

  • Adventure Park
  • Amusement Park
  • Family Entertainment Center
  • Theme Park
  • Water Park
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Adventure & Entertainment Park
Participant Injury
Risk Factor

Adventure and entertainment parks are all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Whether the injury is just a scratch or something more severe, someone could file a lawsuit if they were injured while at your park or using your equipment. Even if you weren't directly responsible for the injury, you could still be held liable.


Participant injury insurance can help cover costs if one of your participants gets hurt. This coverage can help pay the expenses associated with the injury such as medical bills, transportation costs, legal defense if your park is sued, and other relevant charges. Policies should cover any park-sponsored activities, events, and travel, and the coverage should extend to all participants and staff.

Equipment Breakdown
Risk Factor

Your business relies on the equipment your visitors use. From safety equipment to lifts to all the other electronics involved, if something breaks down, your business could be faced with expensive repairs that could take time to fix or replace, resulting in a possible loss of income during that period.


You should consider equipment breakdown insurance to cover your necessary and expensive equipment in the event it gets damaged or breaks from a covered incident. This protection can help with the costs of repairs or obtaining a replacement. Depending on the policy, it can also help cover lost income caused by equipment breakdown, which is a great plus if you're faced with lots of downtime during the repair.

Renters Liability
Risk Factor

You want everyone to enjoy beauty and fun in your park, but that often means letting visitors rent out your equipment. Whether it's simple kayaks and paddleboards or more complex ATVs, you're open to loss, damage, and more when it comes to the equipment you rent out.


Take stock of the types of equipment you rent out to visitors and the risks for damage they may face. Look into a renters liability policy to cover physical damage to the rented equipment.

Guest Passenger Liability
Risk Factor

You need to get your visitors around your park, whether that's up to the top of a mountain so they can zip down or to a slip along the river so they can kayak back, just to name a few. The minute visitors get on your golf cart, ATV, or more, you become liable for injuries they suffer as a passenger if an accident happens.


Guest passenger liability insurance can help to cover the costs of a passenger's medical bills if they suffer an injury during an accident caused by one of your operators. It can also help to cover the costs of defense in case your business is sued over an accident.

Sexual Abuse and Molestation
Risk Factor

There are a lot of situations where you might have to get close to your guests. Whether you're strapping on safety equipment or rescuing someone that's fallen in the water, all it takes is one wrong slip of the hand to open your business up to liability. It doesn't matter if the accusation is true or not, the costs of defending your business could rise quickly.


Sexual abuse and molestation liability offers coverage against claims of abuse and molestation and can help cover the costs of your business's defense. Depending on the coverage, it can extend to a range of employees, including volunteers with your organization. In some cases, it may also help cover trainings and other preventative measures.

Spectator Liability
Risk Factor

Not everyone who visits your park is going to be participating in your activities, but that doesn't mean they aren't at risk while on your property. If something were to happen to a spectator, you could be held liable. The same extends to attendees of any events you hold.


Spectator liability insurance can help protect you in the event a non-participant or event attendee gets hurt on your property. It provides coverage for medical bills and other defense costs. In some cases, it may also cover third-party property damage, like if a spectator's vehicle were to be damaged in the course of an event or activity.

Event Cancellation
Risk Factor

You sink a lot of time, money, and effort into planning an event at your park like a competition, fundraiser, or rally. What happens if you suddenly have to cancel that event? Now you're out the money you invested and potentially revenue you could have earned.


If you have to cancel your event due to a covered peril, event cancellation insurance can help your business with lost expenses and revenues. Some coverages are even known as “all-cause” coverage, meaning they cover anything that isn't explicitly excluded, including events like severe weather, labor strikes, and even terrorism. Premiums for this coverage are often based on gross revenue or expenses for the event and the risk of cancellation.

Business Income / Business Interruption
Risk Factor

Your business relies on nature and the outdoors, but nature is unpredictable and fickle. All it takes is a nasty storm to flood your rivers or an equipment malfunction on your ziplines before your business has to shut down for a few hours or more. Every minute you're shut down means lost revenue for you.


Business interruption insurance compensates you for lost income if your business cannot operate as normal due to damage that is covered under your commercial property insurance policy, such as fire or water damage. This type of insurance covers the revenue you would have earned based on your financial records, had the incident not occurred. The policy also covers continuing operating expenses such as rent, electricity, and ordinary payroll.

Workers' Compensation
Risk Factor

If one of your employees receives an injury or becomes ill due to a work-related occurrence, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.


Workers' compensation insurance protects your employees in the event that a job-related injury or sickness occurs during the course of their employment. This coverage is required by law, so be sure that your business has it.

Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI)
Risk Factor

On average, it's estimated that three out of five businesses will be sued by their employees. While there is nothing you can do to prevent someone from filing a lawsuit, you can limit the costs of defending a legal claim with proper insurance coverage.


Obtain employment practice liability insurance (EPLI) to protect your business from alleged employment-related acts such as wrongful termination, failure to promote, discrimination, and sexual harassment.

Cyber Liability
Risk Factor

The internet has spun a whole new web of liability exposures. E-commerce, social networking, cloud storage, and other technologies bring great benefits to large and small adventure parks alike. But with these benefits also come challenges, including protection of privacy, data, and the financial information of your customers.


Cyber liability insurance protects your business in the event of unauthorized access to electronic data or software within your network. It also provides coverage for spreading a virus, extortion, accidental release of personal identifiable information, and resultant damage caused by a lost or stolen laptop or other mobile device. This coverage is quickly becoming more and more important as you embrace technology to help run your business.

Commercial Property
Risk Factor

Any commercial property is at risk for damage due to fire or other events. Not only is your building and other structures on your property susceptible, everything inside from office furniture to inventory is at risk as well.


Commercial property insurance can help protect the property your business owns or leases, including things like equipment, inventory, furniture, and fixtures. Whether you own your building or lease the space, commercial property insurance can be purchased separately or can be combined with other necessary coverage to protect your business's physical assets.

Your business is at the mercy of Mother Nature.

When you run an adventure and entertainment business, more often than not, you’re at the mercy of the elements. All it takes is one powerful flood or strong windstorm to put you out of business for hours, days, or even weeks. What happens next depends on your insurance coverage. If you have business interruption insurance, your coverage may be able to cover revenue lost during your period of shutdown, keeping you and your employees afloat during your downtime.

Don’t forget the standard business coverages.

There are some business insurance products you’ll likely need, regardless of your industry. Commercial umbrella insurance offers protection beyond the limits of some of your other policies. Workers’ compensation insurance is often a legal requirement and helps cover your employees if they’re hurt while on the job. A cyber liability insurance policy offers protection against the financial losses associated with data breaches.

Interested in learning more about adventure and entertainment insurance for your business? Contact us to learn more.

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